Rabu, 04 Februari 2015

5 Reasons Marrying Your BFF Will Make You Happy

Being "in love" isn't always enough to make a marriage last, but the closeness of friendship is.
It takes more than good s ex to make a marriagework. Johnny Cash and June Carter had it right when
they sang, "We got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper sprout. We've been talkin' 'bout Jackson, ever since the fire went out."
Here's the rub—being "in love" is easy. It's an emotion common to romantic relationships that transcend the millennia. Being in love is definitely central to the best, most successful marriages.
But being in love is NOT enough. No relationship has ever passed the test of time without friendship.
A recent study by Helliwell and Grover backs up this notion of "friendship" as extremely important to marriage. Helliwell and Grover state, "We find that well-being effects of marriage are about twice as large for those whose spouse is also their best friend."
Frankly, for over three decades, in our interviews with couples, we've heard—if you do not marry your best friend you are marrying the wrong person. So why is this principle true for all great marriages around the world?

Here are five reasons why partners in great marriages are also best friends:
1. It's a hard-knock life. Sharing the burdens of life challenges and providing each other steadfast support is what best friends do. They shoulder the burdens of their marriage on four shoulders, not just two. Having each other's back becomes such a matter of habit that best friends who marry behave like a winning team in everything they do.

2. You need a cheerleader. We all need encouragement to succeed in life. Best friends act as a cheerleader for each other. They support their spouse in every way, providing essential encouragement and that little extra bit of rah-rah-rah (a.k.a. "you can do it!") that helps make good things happen in life for BOTH of them.

3. Your well-being has an ally. Numerous research studies show that a positive relationship between a strong marriage leads to a longer life, with better physical health.
Married men and women have lower rates of serious illness and are less likely to die in hospitals than unmarried men or women. One study concluded that married men live an average of 10 years longer than unmarried men, and women live an average of 4 years longer than unmarried women.
What an incentive to find a mate for life who is your BFF and can provide you that kind of support (and who will make sure you go to that doctor's appoint you keep trying to put off).

4. Communication is open and honest. In the most successful marriages there are no sacred cows—no secrets. Research indicates that individuals in a healthy marriage feel they always have someone to confide in and to lean on in times of need. This support comes from open communication between best friends.

5. A super-sized portion of trust and loyalty. Couples who are also best friends literally trust each other completely, with their lives, their well-being, and their sacred honor. The words successfully married couples use most to describe the one they love include: trust, honesty, loyalty and truthfulness. 
You see, the standard principle in the most successful marriages around the world is that your partner is your best friend. And couples who claim to "love" each other, but do not "like" each other, are clearly not best friends. 
If the one you love is not your best friend, your relationship in all likelihood, will not become one of the lifelong love stories we have heard throughout the world. But if your partner IS your best friend, congratulations, and never take them (or that friendship) for granted. 
By Dr. Charles and Dr. Elizabeth Schmitz America's #1 Love and Marriage Experts. Discover what happily married women know about what makes a man marriage material and learn other revealing truths in How to Marry the Right Guy—the latest, multiple award-winning book by the Doctors.

Governor Fashola throws recharge cards/cash to crowd? (photos)

This twitter user shared the photos on social media. It shows Lagos state governor Raji Fashola throwing things to the crowd. Nuel says they were recharge cards and cash. Another pic after the cut

The Four Biggest Signs You're Probably Going To Break-Up (Sorry.)

How to interpret the writing on the wall: Four tell-tale signs that he's going to break up with you.
Getting dumped sucks … there's no doubt about it. There aren't many things more heart-wrenching than finding out that the person you love thinks he will be better off without you. But this news can really make your guts fall on the floor when it comes completely out of left field.

If an "out-of-the-blue break-up" has happened to you in the past, I don't have to remind you of how much it hurts. But the good news is that I can show you how to make sure it never happens again. You see, the tell-tale signs of an inevitable breakup will always be there if you know what to look for. And while there are many indicators that point to minor relationship problems, we're going to be looking at the big four which indicate that a break-up is very likely to happen in the near future. 
Once you notice these signs, you can make the decision to address your issues before it's too late, or you can turn the tables and end the relationship first, on your terms.

1. Your partner starts distancing himself either physically or emotionally.
The first red flag is any kind of distancing behavior, either physical or emotional. "Physical distancing" occurs when your partner seems to be making less and less time for you. All of a sudden, he may seem to be avoiding the typical "couple" activities you're used to doing together, such as watching American Idol, walking the dog, etc. 
"Emotional distancing" is a more subtle, but much stronger indicator that things are heading south in your relationship. Have you noticed any changes in the way that your partner communicates with you, such as a lack of eye contact or a different voice tone? Have you noticed that most of your conversations are now boring and trivial? Does he avoid discussing future plans for the two of you? These are all good signs that your partner's emotional investment in the relationship is starting to rapidly deteriorate.

2. Your partner makes big changes to his daily routine.
One of the most obvious signs of a troubled relationship is when your partner has rearranged his entire schedule in order to spend less time with you. Now, sometimes a promotion at work, for instance, might be to blame but if you find that he's consistently "stuck at the office" until the wee hours of the morning, there might be something else going on.
Another thing to watch out for is when your partner starts spending time with a new group of friends. If his new crew consists of a bunch of happilymarried, church-going choir boys who wake up early on Sundays to take their children to little-league, you probably won't have much to worry about. But if they happen to be a bunch of hardcore party-boys who bring your man home drunk and stumbling on a Wednesday morning, you have every reason to be alarmed.
The bottom line is our friends have more influence over us than we might think, so beware when your man starts hanging out with a bunch of womanizing ex-cons who are prone to nosebleeds and take frequent "business" trips to Thailand.

3. You notice a change in the frequency of your arguments.

Constant fighting hardly has any perks or benefits. But don't be so quick to rejoice when your daily arguments seem to disappear completely. A sudden reduction in the amount of fights and arguments in your relationship could mean that your partner has started to minimize his emotional investment. Withdrawing quickly from confrontations is a common behavior of those who are either incredibly frustrated with their partners or have stopped caring completely. 
And of course, the exact opposite can also be a warning sign. Since most people dislike the guilt that comes along with being "the bad guy," one very common behavior is the act of purposely starting petty fights and pushing your partner's buttons in the hopes that they'll flip out and say or do something that would make them look like the bad guy. Once this happens, the instigator will have an excuse to justify their desire to leave the relationship.
Your ears should perk up if you find your partner suddenly picking petty fights and blowing up on you for no reason — even more so when his arguments are fueled by blind rage and make no logical sense whatsoever.

4. The level of physical intimacy has dropped to an all-time low.

When your partner takes "physical distancing" to the next level, you will notice that the loving physical contact (cuddling, massages, foreplay, etc.) has almost disappeared completely. I firmly believe that the level of intimacy in your relationship says a lot about the strength of your romantic connection. Loving, physical contact is one of the most powerful ways of connecting with someone and when it starts to vanish from a relationship, it acts like a crack in the ceiling that allows the rain to start coming through.
I'd also like to point out that it's quite normal for your bedroom routine to vary over time due to numerous factors, but if you find that your man has stopped making advances altogether, this is usually a sign that there is something seriously wrong in the relationship. It's even worse when he resists of all of your advances, as well.
Shying away from physical contact is a tactic frequently used by women to maintain a level of power in the relationship. But when men do this, it's usually because they are losing interest or have someone else on the side.
So now that you're aware of these tell-tale breakup indicators, be on the lookout for them, not only in your own relationships, but also in the relationships of your friends and co-workers. Being able spot these warning signs in the relationships of others will make it much easier to notice them when they show up on your own doorstep.
Written by Jay Cataldo for Excelle.

9 Chadian soldiers confirmed dead after fight with Boko Haram in Borno

Nine Chadian soldiers have been confirmed dead while 21 others sustained various degrees of injury after a fierce battle with Boko Haram members in Gamboru-Ngala in Bornu state on Sunday Feb 1st.
"We regret nine dead and 21 wounded. On the enemy side: more than 200 deaths...," a statement from the Chadian Army released yesterday February 3rd said.
The statement also added that the death and injury toll of their soldiers could rise since clean-up operations in Gamboru-Ngala and other villages where the soldiers battled with the militants were ongoing. The bodies of the soldiers have been repatriated to Chad for burial.

Bollywood Actress Sonakshi Sinha Hot Tight Jeans & New Spicy Gallery

Check out the name change advertised on a newspaper that's got people talking

Lol @ Jesus Holiness Saint. Good for him! So people, take note!

Durex #50gamestoplay video shows why reality is better than fiction


Less sex than ever: New research commissioned by Durex reveals that 65% of people prefer reality to the lure of fiction, yet that hasn’t stopped a decline in how often people are having sex. In fact, the last study, published in 2014, by the British National Surveys of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal) shows that the average number of times people have sex each month had dropped from five to three. 
 Could books be playing a part in this alarming trend? The Durex poll uncovers that, on any given day, people are twice as likely to read a book in bed as they are to have sex.

With adult fiction now firmly in the mainstream, there is a perception that we’ve all been transformed into sexual adventurers. However, not only are people having less sex than ever, it seems we’re seriously lacking inspiration when it comes to trying new things. Over one third of people said that it’s been more than a year since they tried something new in the bedroom.

So what will it take to encourage more people to ditch fiction and get real? Durex believes the answer lies in providing people with a little inspiration. To support the new video, they have launched the#50GamesToPlay Guide, a bespoke handbook of sex tips, games and inspiration to help couples put some fun back into the bedroom.
The sexy video shows what can happen when couples stop reading about great sex and experience the excitement to be found in real-life connections

The full #50GamesToPlay Guide can be viewed at http://50gamestoplay.durex.com/

February elecions: Foreign journalists still denied visa into Nigeria?

The Globe and Mail correspondent Geoffrey York who is currently in Nigeria, is claiming that over 80 Journalists are being denied entry/Visas into Nigeria to cover the upcoming elections.

Photos: Kylie Jenner shows off blonde look for her new photoshoot

The 17 year old reality star, showed off her blonde look for a photo shoot for Love Magazine...

Wiz Khalifa rants against Amber Rose, states he doesn't want her back

It may not be over for Amber but it looks like it's over for her estranged husband, Wiz Khalifa. In the middle of his rant today against women who try to spite their kids against their father, a fan asked the rapper to go back to his wife, and he replied, 'No, thanks'. See the things he wrote after the cut...

Selasa, 03 Februari 2015


A 23 year old pr*stitute who specialises in cutting off male organs is being held custody at the Imo State Police Command.Uche Agunta told
the Sun
“I am a pr*stitute and I smoke. I have a gang and we specialise in sleeping with men and cut­ting their manh**d during s*x.  We use the manh**d for money rituals. I have killed seven men in the hotel in Owerri. They had s*x with me after they have paid me N3, 000 or N5, 000. I would be on top of the man and in the process I would bring out blade and cut off his manh**d.
I do hand over the manh**d to our gang leader. They always promise to pay us N150, 000 for each manh**d we could sup­ply, and which they used for money ritual.
I dropped out at JSS 3. I stopped going to school when I lost my fa­ther, but my mother is still alive. I joined a gang where some ladies initiated me into a cult. Our main concern is going aftermale organfor ritual.
I have given birth to three children. I sold the first and second children for N200, 000 each. The third child is a boy and he is staying with my mother.
On November 2014, the man met me at Oyima Street, Owerri. He gave me N2,000 to have s*x with me. It was around 3.00pm. The victim took me to the hotel in Owerri and he was having s*x with me.
I was on top of him and when he was enjoying it, I brought out my blade and I started cutting his manh**d. But it hadn’t cut off when he started to shout for help. Then they came to arrest me and he was rushed to the hospital. I was arrested and I have confessed to the police.

Why should a girl be raped because she uses illicit drugs?

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Abigail, a 25 year old girl resident in the FCT recounted how she was raped by some policemen on the account that she admitted to the use of illicit drugs. In order for her not to get arrested she was made to pay with her body. In her words ‘They forcefully climbed me to make love with me, so I was begging that it will just be one person but they refused and took turns to have sex with me, my body was violated’. Abigail’s case is just one out of the many cases of human right abuse that young people who use drugs do experience in the hand of law enforcement officers.
 Someone may want to ask, do drug users have any human right? Don’t they deserve whatever punishment they receive? This and many similar questions explained why human right abuse of this group have been normalised in our society and beclouded a need for us to confront the growing challenge of drug misuse with humane and evidence-based strategy. Recently, YouthRISE Nigeria, a Non-Governmental organisation with support of Open Society Institute of West Africa (OSIWA) presented an evidence-based report on documented cases of human right abuse experienced by young people who use drugs in Nigeria. The story of Abigail was one of the cases. Other cases include arbitrary and prolonged arrest, denial of access to justice, extortion, being beaten, getting locked up without food for days, sexual harassment, rape, forced rehabilitation and use of severe torture to make people drug free. The perpetrators of these abuse are not limited to law enforcement officers but included family members, religious centres and many more. 

The challenge of drug use in our society today is a reality among the youths who use drugs for one reasons or the other inclusive of escaping the harsh economic problem such as unemployment, poverty and homelessness.Young people constitute about 60 per cent of Nigeria population and it is important to take issues that affect them very serious.

The YouthRISE reportclearly showed Nigeria drug policy to be reactive to both internal and external pressures instead of being a proactive tool based on evidence of what works and what does not. While drug traffickers are criminals, it is out of place to treat drug users who are at the receiving end like criminals. The understanding of drug dependence should also make us to rethink that drug users are supposed to be referred to treatment and help centres and not getting locked up in prison asylums or police and NDLEA custody. Even though, it could have been said that these individuals broke the law, there fundamental human rights and dignity should be upheld.Moreover, drug use is a non-violent offence and locking people up because they use drugs is not really justifiable. This also contributes to over congestions of Nigeria prisons and detention centres. The findings from the report showed that some of the young people who were locked up for just using drugs became worse or hardened after getting out of the custody.

In conclusion, this topic is rarely discussed but it’s a growing challenge in Nigeria and like a time bomb among the youth. The continuous use of punishment and force to address drug use seems counter-productive.While the Nigeria drug law could be said to have been developed with good intentions, the unintended consequences resulting from its implementation calls for an urgent review especially for the protection and holistic development of the youth population who have already initiated drug use. While law enforcement is still needed, it should be targeted at the traffickers and those who deal in illicit drugs. The users should be given required support and not punishment.