Senin, 08 Desember 2014

Top 10 reasons why your girlfriend doesn’t want you touching her phone

Being cute and goofy on photos is one thing, looking like the devil’s spawn is another. Everybody has photos of themselves on their phones that they would not want to show it to the world – least of all, their partners – but they just have not got around to deleting them yet.

Seeing how our phones have become virtual extensions of our lives, it is no wonder that people guard them more fiercely than ever. However, you would think that once you are in a relationship, those walls can be torn down. No sir! Not that she is cheating on you, either. If you cannot fathom why your girlfriend will not let your near her phone, we give you an insight.

1. Feeling Monitored Although she might not have anything on her phone that she does not want to show you, her reason for not doing so might stem more from feelings of being monitored and trust issues than actual stuff. The line between trust and mistrust is not that thin, but you are pushing it if you keep asking her for her password. Believe it or not, even girls need their private space. She will get riled up, and you will look like a pushy guy.

2. Aura Of Mystery This does not apply to all girls – but there are many out there who would rather have you second-guessing
yourself rather than knowing her inside out, especially if you have not been dating for very long. They know it very well that when you always want the things that you cannot have – and they’ll make sure that their phone is one of those things.
3. BFF Talks How would you like if she was eavesdropping on you talking about guy stuff with your boys? Turn the tables and that is exactly how she would feel if you opened up her BBM or Whatsapp group chat with her BFFs. From talks about PMS to chocolate – that is a sacred female territory, and she does not want you anywhere near it.
4. Innocent Chats Most girls usually don’t like their guys going through their phone is because they realize just how unreasonably possessive they can get over the littlest things. Just to save each other a needless squabble on ‘who’s this guy?’ just because a former colleague got in touch with her, some girlfriends will keep their phones guarded. How innocent those chats are – you be the judge.
5. Unflattering Pictures Being cute and goofy on photos is one thing, looking like the devil’s spawn is another. Everybody has photos of themselves on their phones that they would not want to show it to the world – least of all, their partners – but they just have not got around to deleting them yet. She probably values you too much to put you through that – and might just be doing you a favour!
6. Hacking Either she has had a bad experience in her past, or some deep-seated trust issues – but there are girls out there who might actually have fears of their boyfriends hacking their phones. We are not saying you are capable of something so despicable, but she just might.
7. Misusing Phone The world is filled with jokers who, once they find unattended access to their friends’ social media accounts, announce “I am gay”. You probably won’t do that to your girlfriend, but you get the idea, right? If you are one of those jokers, you can’t blame a girl for avoiding dousing out fires that you started when you found her phone unlocked.
8. Private Details Not ShareableBank account details, important passwords – there are many a thing that she might have on her phone that she does not want anyone looking into – no offence. Not necessarily you, but maybe you are just not ‘there’ in your relationship yet. Think about it.
9. Bitching About You Yep, that happens. Not that she hates you or wants to break up – but remember that sacred feminine place we were talking about in #3? That is the place where girls vent about how ‘men are basically assholes’ to their BFFs. And that’s where she would probably be venting about whatever you did to piss her off this week.
10. Keeping In Touch With Someone You Hate If you have a lot of common friends, chances are that you will also have people in your lives who you might not be great buddies with – but she thinks they are totally cool. To save you some grief and once again, to avoid unnecessary drama – she just might keep things on the down-low.

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